4 Ways Acupuncture Helps Relieve Menopausal Hot Flashes and Night Sweats

Acupuncture is an effective tool to help relieve a variety of symptoms and conditions. However, there are a few things that from my experience, acupuncture absolutely excels at treating. I’ve had a lot of success with in my own clinic with one particular condition and I want to share it with you today.

Ladies in menopause (or peri-menopause) who suffer with hot flashes and night sweats, you’re in luck because acupuncture works like a charm at reducing these symptoms. I’ve never had a patient with hot flashes and night sweats that didn’t see an improvement in the frequency and intensity of their symptoms after just a few treatments. So let's get into the details of WHY and HOW acupuncture works for treating hot flashes and night sweats.

How Does TCM View Menopause

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) views menopause as a natural transition in a woman's life but as a change that can present challenges none the less. In TCM, this change is considered a reflection of the body's overall balance of Yin and Yang (qualities of Qi or energy within the body). Yin represents the nourishing, cooling aspects of the body, while Yang embodies the active, warming elements. As women approach menopause, there is a decline in ovarian function. According to TCM, this also means a decrease in Yin energy, thereby a decrease in the cooling function of the body. This leads to symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings. In TCM, we believe that maintaining a harmonious balance between Yin and Yang is crucial during this time. In addition to providing an acupuncture treatment that's focused on restoring this balance, your TCM practitioner may also provide you with recommendations for cooling, fluid generating herbs and foods to help restore the yin aspect and bring the body back into balance.

4 Ways that Acupuncture can Help Relieve Hot Flashes and Night Sweats

1. Improved blood circulation: Acupuncture promotes better blood circulation throughout the body. This helps to dissipate the excess heat that accumulates during a hot flash providing relief from the sudden waves of warmth and sweating

2. Hormone regulation: Acupuncture can influence the release of various hormones in the body, including those involved in temperature regulation, such as estrogen and serotonin. By balancing hormone levels, acupuncture can help reduce the frequency and intensity of hot flashes.

3. Stress reduction: Stress can worsen hot flashes for many women. Acupuncture has been show to stimulate the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, and promote relaxation. By reducing stress acupuncture can help reduce the frequency and severity of hot flashes.

4. Individualized treatment: Traditional Chinese medicine sees each individual as unique and with their own set of patterns or disharmonies that are often the root cause of symptoms or medical conditions. Acupuncture treatments are tailored to your unique constitution and symptoms. By assessing your specific underlying patterns, a personalized treatment plan can be designed just for you to help you find relief from hot flashes and night sweats.

If you’re struggling with hot flashes and night sweats, you're not alone. Acupuncture is a safe and effective way to feel better. I’d love to help you get back to living your life without these frustrating symptoms. Feel free to give me a call to talk more, fill out the contact form on my contact page to ask your questions or book your first appointment here.